
Abstract Submission


The Organizing Committee welcomes the contribution of poster presentations at the conference.
Contributions may deal with any subject relevant to

- Atomic Clocks
- Atom Interferometry
- Bose Gases
- Cooling and Trapping of Atoms and Ions
- Fermi Gases
- Few Body Interactions and Collisions
- Mesoscopic Quantum Systems
- Intense Fields and Ultrafast Phenomena
- Precision Measurements and Fundamental Tests
- Quantum Information
- Quantum Optics & Cavity QED
- Quantum Simulation
- Spectroscopy, Atomic and Molecular Structure
- Trapped Ions
- Ultracold Mixtures and Molecules
- Rydberg and Artificial Atoms

Abstracts submission starts on April 1, 2016.
Abstracts must be submitted by June 23, 2016, 11:59 PM Korea Time Zone. After June 23, only new registrants can upload "new abstracts"
Abstracts accepted for presentation will be published in the book of abstracts

Guidelines for abstract submission:

- Please prepare your abstract for ICAP 2016 using the template (MS Word format) linked below.
- The maximum length of the abstract is one page. Abstract may contain a figure.
- The conference abstract book will be printed in black & white. The full color version of the abstracts will be available online.
- Your abstract must be submitted online using the link below. Please submit only a pdf version of your abstract.
- The pdf abstract should not exceed 5MB in size.
- Abstracts which do not conform to the guidelines as specified by the template will not be reviewed by the Scientific Committee.

Poster Sessions and Awards

There are three poster sessions. Time and place will be posted in the final program. Poster submission is done via the link at the bottom. Students can apply for excellent poster award in the web submission. The students applying for the excellent poster award must be present by his/her poster for the first half of the poster session(1 hour long). These posters will be evaluated by reviewers elected from invited speakers. Selected posters will be announced and awarded at the closing ceremony.

Abstract Submission Template and Format

Your should submit your abstract in pdf format. Here you can download our template from the link below. If you prepare your abstract using other programs, please follow the guideline below.
   - Times New Roman font, 11pt 
   - line spacing 110%, margins top 3cm, left 2.54cm, right 2.54cm, bottom 2.54cm
   - Insert a line before and after the figure

Abstract Template Download (MS Word)  

Abstract Submission Closed

Each presenter is provided with a poster board with useable work area 120 cm high by 90 cm wide.

lead agency