Adhesive force measurement of steady-state water nano-meniscus: Effective surface tension at nanoscale

Scientific Reports, volume 8, Article number: 8462 (2018)
Soyoung Kwon, Bongsu Kim, Sangmin An, Wanhee Lee, Ho-Young Kwak & Wonho Jhe


When the surface of water is curved at nanoscale as a bubble, droplet and meniscus, its surface tension is expected to be smaller than that of planar interface, which still awaits experimental studies. Here, we report static and dynamic force spectroscopy that measures the capillary force of a single nanoscale water meniscus at constant curvature condition. Based on the Young-Laplace equation, the results are used to obtain the effective surface tension (ST) of the meniscus, which decreases to less than 20% of the bulk value at the radius-of-curvature (ROC) below 25 nm, while indicating the bulk behaviour above ~130 nm ROC. Interestingly, such a possibility provides a qualitative resolution of the unsettled discrepancies between experiments and theories in the thermodynamic activation processes for the mentioned three types of nano-curvatured water. Our results may not only lead to development of microscopic theories of ST as well as further experimental investigations, but also help better understanding of the ST-induced nanoscale dynamics such as cluster growth or protein folding, and the ST-controlled design of nano-biomaterials using the nano-meniscus.